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Veiltail Tricolor Angel | Pterophyllum scalare

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Manfish or sometimes known as Angel Fish is a freshwater ornamental fish that has a wide and thin body. This is because the color of the manfish is very attractive and colorful, has a tassel or slayer and the movement is so calm. Its uniqueness is what makes this fish loved by various circles to relieve stress. In addition, one of the unique characteristics of these fish is that they are monogamous, which means that these fish only have one partner, in other words, these fish are very loyal to their partners. Manfish reproduce by laying eggs which are placed on submerged wood / roots or flat leaves.

Manfish originate from the Amazon Basin, Orinoco Basin and various rivers in the Guiana Shield in tropical South America. But now it can be cultivated in Indonesia and quite a lot of fans and cultivators. Even now, several types of manfish have been produced as a result of selective breeding, including Diamond, Imperial, Marble and Black-White types. Manfish fish can be used as parents after reaching 7 months of age with a length of ± 7.5 cm. The male parent is characterized by a larger body size than the female parent.

The head of the male parent looks rather large with the part from the mouth to the dorsal fin in a convex shape, and the body shape is slimmer than the female fish. While the female parent is characterized by a smaller body size and a smaller head shape with a larger/fat belly and a slightly prominent appearance.

Manfish will attach their eggs to a smooth substrate, such as a piece of PVC pipe that has been prepared/placed in a spawning tank. Because manfish tend to like a dark and calm atmosphere, the walls of the aquarium can be affixed to dark colored paper or plastic. Parent manfish will spawn at night. The female parent attaches her eggs to the substrate and is followed by the male fish who sprays his sperm on all the eggs, so that the eggs are fertilized. The number of eggs produced by each parent ranges from 500-1000 eggs.

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