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Veiltail Black and White Angel | Pterophyllum scalare

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Angelfish has the Latin name Pterophyllum Scalare with body sizes reaching up to 6 “(15cm). This species can be cultured in 48-inch, 20-inch tanks with water conditions at pH: 6.0 to 7.5. This fish has mild to moderate fishing activity. Has a range of dH: 1-20, GH 5-12 and an effective ambient temperature of 73ºF to 84ºF (23-29 °C).

This species is native to the Central Amazon region, Peru, Eastern Ecuador. Angelfish are moderately active in water but will eat small fish and can become aggressive towards smaller fish when they are larger and have a life span of 10+ years.

This species can eat types of Omnivores, tubifex, water fleas, mosquito larvae, dry food. By breeding: Pretty easy. Angelfish belong to the order Perciformes, Suborder: Percoidei, Family: Cichlidae and Genera: Pterophyllum. General body shape is disc-shaped. The dorsal and anal fins are elongated and, like sails, the pectoral fins are stretched into long filaments. The caudal fin is fan-shaped and wide. The outer fin rays are elongated. In older fish a forehead bulge. Including fins can reach a length of six inches and a height of ten inches.

Coloration of Specimens original and wild: Body “silver” with a slight brown tinge, snout, back and forehead brownish yellow. The sides are marked by four black transverse stripes, the first of which runs in a curve from the nape of the neck through the eyes to the beginning of the pelvic fins. The second is from the back to the anus, the third is the most prominent movement from the dorsal to the anal fin and the fourth is across the start of the caudal fin. Some fainter stems are sometimes seen on the upper body.

The spines of the dorsal fin are yellow-brown, the anterior part of the pelvic fin is steel blue and the part of the fin that is not sandy is grayish white. due to selective breeding one can find many color and fin mutations. Other variations i.e. Black, Gold, Ghost, Lace, Marble, Veiltail, Zebra and many more are currently available

One of the most graceful aquarium fish and especially beautiful when large, but some specimens can bully other slow-swimming or long-finned fish. It becomes quite docile after a while, acknowledging its owner’s approach at mealtime. Regular feeding with live food is recommended

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