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  • sohorfish@gmail.com

Welcome to our official site of Sohor Fish Indonesia (www.sohorfish.com / www.ornamentalfishindonesia.com)

Sohorfish (PT.Samudera Pasai Jawa) was created to be a division in charge of marketing fishery products, especially Indonesian tropical ornamental fish to the world. With support from various aspects consisting of: qualified human resources with decades of experience in the world of fisheries, locations and waters that support fish breeding, as well as the largest fishery center in West Java - Indonesia, which has been known for more than 50 years a.k.a "Pasar Ikan Cibaraja".

In addition to raising our own livestock, we collaborate with many fish breeders so that we have more than 800 species of freshwater ornamental fish. The categories of fish that we market are: Koi, Cichlids, Gourami, Tetra, Swordtail, Goldfish, Platy, Crayfish, Plecos, Catfish, Corydoras, Barbus, Guppy, Molly, Angel, Betta, Danio, Arowana, Synodontis, Knifefish, Loach, Metynnis, Rasbora, Rainbow, Killie, Sharks, Polypterus, GAR, Brackfish, and Freshwater Invertebrates (shrimp, snails, crabs etc.)

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