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Spatula Gar | Lepisosteus oculatus

14 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Alligator gar ( Atractosteus spatula ) is not a native Indonesian fish. This fish is native to the waters of North America and Central America. This fish inhabits the waters along Texas and Oklahoma as well as the Mississippi River, Ohio and Missouri rivers to Mexico.

Alligator Fish Classification


Phylum: Chordata

Sub-phylum : Craniata

Class : Actinopterygii

Sub-Class : Neopterygii

Order: Amiiformes

Family: Lepisosteidae

Genus: Atractosteus

Species : Atractosteus Spatula

The alligator fish is in the form of a torpedo, which is elongated cylindrical, the shape of the mouth resembles a crocodile’s mouth, which is snout and sharp teeth. The body of this fish is protected by thick scales, generally brown or greenish on the top of its body, and the underside of its body is bright white. The dorsal and anal fins are located on the back of the body and are almost opposite in position.

The maximum length of this fish is 305 cm with an average length of 200 cm. In their natural habitat, these large predators prey on crabs, turtles as well as birds and small mammals. This fish can live in fresh water and brackish water.


The Most Recommended Alligator Fish Food Recommendation

Small fish . In their natural habitat, alligator fish prey on small fish that are close to them. …

pellets. Giving pellets as food for alligator fish is also recommended. …

  1. Chicken. …
  2. Crab. …

Shrimp. …

  1. Rice Conch. …
  2. Scallops. …
  3. Worms.

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