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Similis Corydoras | Corydoras Similis

05 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Corydoras Catfish are one of the most peaceful and entertaining scavengers for freshwater aquariums, and will thrive in a wide variety of water conditions. This catfish is a very energetic scavenger that is relatively small in size. Because of this, they are perfect for keeping substrate clean in smaller freshwater community aquariums.

    Similis Corydoras Catfsih (Corydoras similis)

The Similis Corydoras Catfish, otherwise known as the Smudge Spot Cory inhabits the Rio Madeira Basin in Brazil. The Similis Corydoras Catfish lives in small creeks, creeks, ponds and flooded forest areas in the wild. An aquarium of 20 gallons or more should be provided to accommodate a minimum of 3 to 4 Similis Corydoras.

An aquarium made to mimic an Amazonian biotope would be appreciated. Use a soft sandy substrate with some dry leaves such as Beech or Oak to naturally soften the water as the tannins are released. Aquascape an aquarium with fine rocks and driftwood while leaving open space and areas for catfish to swim. The Similis Corydoras Catfish forage is omnivorous and which requires a balanced diet including quality flake food and pellets along with frozen/thawed bloodworms, brine shrimp and mysis shrimp for adult specimens.

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