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Silver Arowana | Osteoglossum bichirrhosum

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Silver Arowana is a freshwater ornamental fish that has quite a lot of demand, in the market the price tends to be stable and not a seasonal type of fish. Let’s know more deeply, and learn how to maintain this beautiful predatory fish .

Although not the most expensive type of fish like the super red arowana, this type is still the target of the community. If the size is large, silver arowana can be valued in millions or even more than that.

Even in the super red arowana type, if you have won the contest, the price can be up to hundreds of millions of Rupiah!

So, don’t be surprised if this fish is a prima donna of freshwater aquariums and not a few hobbyists are competing to maintain it. Whether it’s because of prestige, or just an investment.

Silver arowana fish has the scientific name  osteoglossum bicirrhosum , which is a metallic predatory fish originating from South America.


The name  osteoglossum bicirrhosum  describes this creature as having a forked tongue. Osteoglossum  means “bone-tongued” and  bicirrhosum  is “two spines”.

The natural habitat of this fish is in certain basins and rivers near the Amazon.

In the world of ornamental fish, silver arowana is also known as  Monkey Fish  or Dragon Fish.

Nicknamed as  Monkey fish  maybe because at certain times it catches its prey by jumping out of the water (like a monkey). While the dragon fish because of its long and fierce shape like the depiction of these mythological creatures.

On the other hand, many hobbyists crave this fish in their aquarium, it is because of the beauty of the shape, as well as the graceful way of swimming.

Maintenance Difficulty

Arowana fish is not a cheap pet, especially this fish is also rather difficult to care for. Thus, it is clearly not suitable for beginners who are just entering the world of ornamental fish.

The strength of their hunting instincts makes this fish so agile and difficult to handle. In addition, its power in the water can make the prey defenseless against it.

Broadly speaking, how to maintain a silver arowana requires a large aquarium capacity, understanding its character, keeping the water in good condition, and being prepared to spend money to buy food.

But for  experienced aquarist  , difficulty in maintaining arowana like a challenge in itself. It can even be a measure of success in the maintenance of ornamental fish.

In conclusion, how to keep silver arowana fish has a high level of difficulty. But it pays off when you manage to take good care of it.


Fish Character


Although classified as ferocious fish and great predators, arowana fish are easily frightened. Like when the aquarium light are turned on suddenly, or there is an unexpected movement from the outside.

So, to avoid freaking out the fish, you shouldn’t make any surprising moves, except when turning on the light.

Because it is easy to be afraid of certain objects, you should place your arowana aquarium in a quiet place and away from people passing by.

But if you get used to it, arowana fish will be more daring and adapt to the surrounding conditions.

The average new fish enter the aquarium , they will adapt first to the new media. Thus, they tend to be shy or less active.

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