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Shubunkin | Carassius auratus

15 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

The shubunkin goldfish has two variants (the London shubunkin and Bristol shubunkin). The Shubunkin Koki fish looks like a common goldfish or comet but the mix of body colors is more vibrant. Many people who fall in love with the beauty of this fish, think you will also like Shubunkins which are a mixture of gray, white, blue, red, brown, yellow and orange colors.


The Shubunkins Goldfish species with the blue color are considered the rarest because of that the Shubunkins Goldfish has the most expensive price of this type of fish with other colors.

If you want to look for colorful (multi-colored) fish. You will be amazed by the presence of this one fish, the Shubunkin Goldfish. Fish are very beautiful to look at and colorful.  The Shubunkins Goldfish is a single tailed goldfish with a nacreous scale, this type of fish is a mixture of transparent and metallic scales which gives it a pearly appearance. Aquarists call the fish nі goldfish-colored calico. It is also the perfect goldfish for an aquarists

Shubunkins Goldfish can grow up to 10-15 inches long as adults. Just like Common and Comet fish, Shubunkin Fish can eat almost everything from small fish, vegetables, fruits and live foods. They can also live more than a decade under optimal conditions. They will thrive in large aquariums.

A Little About  Shubunkin

Fish Origin: Japan

Family: Cyprinidae

Scientific Name: Carassius auratus

Environment: Freshwater Fish

Temperature: 55° – 78° F

Species: Single Tail

Diet: Omnivore Food: Pellets, flakes, live food, vegetables and fruits

Adult Size: 10-12″ or more (inches)

Age: 10-15 years or older

Care Level: Easy for beginners

Temperament: Friendly and social

Types of Shubunkin Fish Currently,

there are three types of Shubunkin goldfish:

Japanese / American Shubunkin – have shape similar to a comet.Slender body, long fin, tail fin pointed with a deeper fork and grow to the same length as the body

London Shubunkin – stocky body with short, rounded fins similar to Common

Bristol Shubunkins – slender build with well developed fins, has a large tail, branched and rounded at the end which resembles a capital “B”

Mixed Goldfish Shubunkins is a variety of goldfish single tail. Do not mix with Double Tail slower fish species such as Bubble Eye Goldfish, Oranda Goldfish, Black Moor Goldfish, Fantail Goldfish or Lionhead Goldfish. The best partner in the aquarium for the Shubunkin Goldfish is the Comet and Commons Goldfish

Shubunkin Chef Fish

The London and Bristol Shubunkins are known to be more stubborn. This makes the Shubunkin Cookfish ideal for both outdoor ponds and aquariums.

If you choose to fill your aquarium or pond with shubunkins, avoid mixing them with the slow-moving bubble eye chef or Celestia chef.  Faster moving Shubunkins Chef’s Fish will eat up food for others and can cause them to starve.


The shubunkin goldfish is a type of chef fish that has a body like a comet goldfish. However, what distinguishes this fish is that this shubunkin chef fish has a variety of colors.

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