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Ryukin Calico | Carassius auratus

18 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

The Ryukin goldfish has a very striking characteristic compared to other types of goldfish, namely the hump on the top of the towering body. Another characteristic of the Ryukin goldfish is its head which is conical to the front and does not have a crest. The body is short and rounded like an egg. Have complete fins such as swimming fins, paddle fins and anal fins. The size of the fins is relatively short, including the tail is also not too long.


Based on the color, Ryukin goldfish can be divided into several types. There’s Ryukin RW fish. RW means Red and White. As the name suggests, this fish has a red and white color pattern on its body. Then the Ryukin Calico fish, called Calico because this type of Ryukin fish has more than 3 different color patterns. These colors include red, white, yellow, and black. Lastly is the Red Ryukin fish. As the name suggests, this fish has a plain red pattern all over its body from head to tail.

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