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Rose Line Barb | Puntius Denisonii

08 June 2022 - Kategori Blog


Like many species, P untius denisonii has a different name in each location. In their home country of India, these fish are often referred to as Miss Kerala. Other common names are Blood Eye Barb, Denison Barb, Denison Flying Fox, Red Comet Barb, Red Line Barb, Red Lined Torpedo Fish, Roseline Shark, and Torpedo Barb.

The species was first identified in 1865, and it is endemic to Kerala and South Karnataka in the southern region of India often referred to as the Malabar Bay. They are found in large flocks in ponds, rivers and streams which are generally dense and rocky, with water that is very rich in oxygen.

This fish is long and like a torpedo, this is why this fish is called the Red Lined Torpedo Barb. The body of this fish is silvery with black stripes that run the entire length of the body from snout to tail. This contrasts with the fiery red line that runs just above the black line, running from the nose through the eyes and all the way to the midpoint of the body. The dorsal fin is also bright red, while the caudal fin is striped with black and yellow stripes. Adult fish have a greenish tint on the head.

Water conditions are very important, as this species is accustomed to high oxygen levels and pure water. High levels of organic matter are not tolerated well, which means regular water changes and tank cleaning are key to keeping this species healthy.

This fish is classified as an omnivore, and will receive a lot of food. For optimal health, they should be fed a wide variety of foods including meat and vegetable foods. Live foods will readily accept this fish, including bloodworms, daphnia, cyclops, and shrimp. While algae, spirulina, and fresh vegetables are also eaten

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