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Red & White Oranda | Carassius auratus

18 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

There are so many types of ornamental fish that are known by ornamental fish lovers in Indonesia. One of them is goldfish. Among the types of ornamental fish in Indonesia, goldfish are classified as fish that are very easy to recognize. Its round physical shape and striking color make it easy for ornamental fish lovers to distinguish from other types of ornamental fish. Because this fish is quite popular, to get it is not difficult. Almost every ornamental fish shop sells this type of fish.


In its natural habitat, goldfish are herbivorous fish or fish that eat plants. As adults, these fish sometimes also eat other fish that are much smaller in size. Adult goldfish can grow to a size of 20 cm or more. For goldfish that have a size above 20 cm, it is usually called Super Jumbo among breeders and goldfish lovers.

The goldfish is a very beautiful fish because it has a wide tail that flutters in the water like a dancer wearing a dress while swimming. The beauty of this goldfish is not only in its tail and body shape, but its swimming style also does not escape the eye of the beholder. Swim movements that twist from the top of the head to the base of the tail like a ballet dancer performing. Because of its beauty, if a goldfish is kept in an aquarium, it can give positive energy to those who see it.


Besides enjoying its beauty, goldfish are also believed by the Chinese people as fish that bring hockey or luck. According to the Chinese, goldfish can bring hockey because of the teachings of feng shui. The teaching believes that if 9 goldfish are kept in one place, consisting of 8 red tails and 1 black tail, then according to feng shui this formation can throw bad luck. In addition, 2 goldfish that are kept in one place are believed to have a balance effect in the couple’s relationship.

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