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Red Oranda | Carassius auratus

19 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

What distinguishes the oranda from other types is the abnormal growth on the head, as you can see in the picture.

It is referred to as wen , and is not part of their brain. It does look like that, only flesh growing on the head like a flowerhorn fish.

This fleshy lump begins to grow around the age of 4 months, it can even grow excessively. These growths can affect oranda vision.

Wen is fully formed around 2 years of age, but may take longer in some fish.

In shape, the body of this type of goldfish is egg-shaped, meaning they are not slender but also not large. Just like goldfish in general, only on the head that distinguishes.

What makes this fish look like a graceful angel is the tail fin. They can vary in shape such as ribbon tails, fan tails, or broad tails, and tend to expand backwards.

Color wise, they are brightly colored fish with variations in black, red, white, yellow, orange, gold and even blue!

For size, Oranda can grow up to 17 cm with good care. In fact, this fish has been recorded to grow up to 38 cm, he is an oranda named Bruce who comes from Hong Kong.

How long do oranda goldfish live?

Well, it will depend on their care. If you are very concerned about the health and comfort of your fish, orandas can live up to 15 years.

How to keep an Oranda goldfish

After getting to know the characteristics and appearance of the fish, now you need to know how to take care of the oranda goldfish properly and correctly.

Oranda fish themselves are basically quite easy to care for, but it is their physical condition that makes care much more difficult.

For example, a lot of dirt or bacteria can lodge in the folds and crevices of the wen , it can cause infection.

This fish is also quite sensitive to changes in water conditions, even though this fish is actually strong enough to survive.

But by maintaining ideal water parameters, it will keep the fish healthy and away from stress.

Oranda chef’s food

Like other types of goldfish, the oranda chef is also a voracious fish that can eat anything. Understandably, they include omnivorous fish that can eat anything.

In fact, they can eat anything that floats in the water, so you need to be diligent about cleaning the surface of the water if there is dirt.

You can give Oranda chefs dry, frozen or live food.

Foods that are usually given to gold chefs oranda such as:

  • Worm
  • Larvae
  • Insect
  • Plant
  • Dried Pellet
  • Brine Shrimp
  • Algae


You can feed fish as much as 3% of their body size. You don’t have to do it often, just two to three times a day.

Notice if the fish is already swimming at a slight angle, that’s a sign that you’re overfeeding.

On the other hand, if they’re still foraging through the substrate, maybe another piece of your cloth can feed them more.

Don’t forget to scoop out the rest of the feed if it’s not eaten by the fish.

Food residue that dissolves in water will become waste that worsens the condition of the water. It can later cause the health of the fish to be disturbed.

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