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Rabaut’s Cory | Corydoras Rabauty

01 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Corydora s  is the scientific name of the mouse fish, in English it is also called bronze catfish  or armored catfish . Why is it called mouse fish? Because, this fish has properties like a rat who is afraid when he sees humans. The name corydoras is taken from the Greek words cory  meaning helmet and doras  meaning skin. There are also those who call it armored catfish.

This fish is native to the waters of South America and has been cultivated throughout the world with many species. This fish lives in small rivers or in swamps with a pH of water that is close to neutral or slightly acidic.

Corydoras are easy to care for and can live for decades. Corydoras are favored by fans of freshwater ornamental fish because they have beautiful color patterns. The demand for this fish is increasing with the increasing number of ornamental fish lovers. For those of you who are ornamental fish hobbyists, you should have knowledge about the unique fish that like to clean this aquarium glass.

Adult corydoras  have a length of up to 7.5 cm. Compact body shape, bent on the back, slightly flattened to the side, with the mouth facing down. The female corydoras are larger than the male fish. The male fish’s fins are sharper, wider, and longer.

This fish has a pair of pectoral and pelvic fins, while the other fins are single. The pectoral fins consist of pointed bones that are used as weapons to deter enemies. This fish is covered by neatly arranged scales.

Corydoras  is equipped with two whiskers that show the characteristics of the catfish group . Its function is as a sensor or radar for foraging for food and during marriage.

Fish that are active during the day in their natural habitat like to crawl and swim at the bottom of the water with substrate or rocks. When looking for food, these fish like to dig and grind sand. Corydoras fish  are omnivores and are bottom feeders  . This fish food includes insects, worms and wild plants.


Corydoras like to be at the bottom of the tank looking for food, so they are useful for cleaning up food debris. These fish spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank and only occasionally come to the surface.

These fish spawn during the rainy season. The sperm of the male fish will be sucked by the female fish by placing the female fish’s mouth into the male fish’s genital opening (known as the T position). This sperm will be released through the intestine along with the release of the egg into the “pouch” formed by the two pelvic fins. Effective fertilization occurs here. Then, the eggs will be attached to a substrate or object (leaves, flat stones, etc.) that has been previously cleaned by the male parent. The eggs left behind will hatch in the substrate if the water conditions are suitable and good enough. The spawn time is at 05-00 – 07-00. Place the eggs on the aquarium walls, stems, and leaf surfaces. Eggs that come out as much as 2-5 grains. However, these fish eggs are then abandoned and not cared for by the mother.

Corydoras of the same or the same color will swim in groups. This fish is calm, not aggressive, so it is safe when combined with other fish in the aquarium.

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