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Pygmy Leopard catfish | Synodontis Petricola

01 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

In terms of shape, I assume that leopard fish are still similar to catfish. The resemblance is found in the shape of the body and also the mustache around the mouth. Perhaps what distinguishes the two is the white color around the bottom of the leopard fish’s body, while the catfish only has one color all over its body.

I think the leopard’s appetite is more to live fish, so I rarely see leopard breeders who feed them pellets. Different from catfish, which can eat almost any type of feed we give it, but I don’t see that in leopard fish.

For the feed that is usually given by leopard fish farmers around my house, which is in the form of small fish that are widely found in rice fields and rivers. In the area where I live this type of fish is called gatol fish.

Although this fish has a pretty tempting selling price for ornamental fish breeders, I need to remind readers that this fish is a type of fish that is very difficult to maintain. Maybe if I describe that raising leopard fish like we raise koi fish. That is, it is very difficult to grow and reproduce, but much easier to die.

Maybe what needs to be prepared before raising leopard fish, is a water circulation system, filtration system and water purification system, even for places that are too cold we also need to provide a heater. Apart from that, we must also ensure the availability of clean water to replace dirty pond water, because these fish are very susceptible to death, if the pond water conditions are bad.

And usually for leopard fish farmers in my area, on average they can only keep this fish for about one month, and after that many of their fish will die, and eventually all of their fish will run out. In fact, there are also breeders who don’t even have a week until their leopard seeds are all gone.

Almost all leopard fish farmers who have experienced death, they are no longer cultivating this type of fish. They seemed to be very disappointed with the death of their fish earlier. This is because the price of leopard fish seeds in my area is considered expensive, so many breeders have not returned their investment, or have even lost big.

Because of that from the start I was hesitant to keep this fish, because the selling price of the fish was good, making me doubt the success of this fish cultivation. Because in my experience, for animals with good prices, there will certainly be a difficult treatment process, and the maintenance costs are also expensive.

As time progressed, fish collectors began to look at fish with predatory types. This can be seen when some fish lovers are interested in keeping fish that have this ferocious character. One fish that catches the attention of fish collectors is the Tiger Shovelnose Catfish.


This fish that comes from the Amazon river is starting to look a lot adorning the aquarium. Tiger Shovelnose Catfish is a predator that is somewhat rare, so the price can soar. Now for those of you who are interested in this predator, please see how to take care of it

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