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Blog Ornamental Freshwater Fish From Indonesia

  • Corydoras Adolfoi | Corydoras Adolfoi

    Jun 30, 2022

    Adolfo’s Cory ( Corydoras a dolfoi ) This fish has a maximum size of 6 cm. It is bluish-white in color with vertical black “bands” in the eye area. These fish spawn during the rainy season. The sperm of the male fish will be sucked by the female fish by… Selengkapnya »

  • Corydoras Albino Longfin | Corydoras anues

    Jun 28, 2022

    This small ornamental fish has many names, some of which are quite popular, namely Cory catfish, Cory Fish, Cory Cat, and some even call it armored catfish. This fish has become one of the favorites of ornamental fish lovers, especially those who are used to playing aquascape, because of its… Selengkapnya »

  • Cichlid Butterfly | Anomalochromis thomasi

    Jun 28, 2022

    The African butterfly cichlid (Anomalochromis thomasi) is a rather unique cichlid. Their temperament, size, and even geographic origins all go against most expectations of this type of fish. Their small size and unusual nature (for a cichlid) make them great pets. Size When fish are measured, the standard length is… Selengkapnya »

  • Cichlid Auratus Yellow | Melanochromis auratus

    Jun 28, 2022

    Auratus cichlid ( Melanochromis auratus ) or what we know as niasa fish is a very characteristic fish. This African cycloid is beautiful but also fierce. They are usually kept by experienced ornamental fish hobbyists. These fish measure up to 12 cm and can live between 8 to 10 years.… Selengkapnya »

  • Green Terror | Aequidens rivulatus

    Jun 27, 2022

    The green terror cichlid, which has the scientific name andinocara rivulatus , is an aggressive fish belonging to the cichlidae family . Let’s talk about how to keep green terror fish and get to know more about this freshwater predator . Although these South American fish are known for their… Selengkapnya »

  • Cichlid Severum Golden | Cichlasoma severum

    Jun 27, 2022

      Severum (Hero Severus) is one of the thin-bodied fish from the Cichlid family, to be precise, the American Cichlid. Severum fish come from Guyana, Rio Negro, Amazon River. These fish are slightly carnivorous but more inclined to omnivores. Its size can reach 15 cm. Gold Severum – a type… Selengkapnya »

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