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Blog Ornamental Freshwater Fish From Indonesia

  • Metae Corydoras | Corydoras Metae

    Jul 1, 2022

    Corydoras catfish or ornamental catfish are small, peaceful scavenger fish that live under aquariums and are loved by all who keep them. Almost all species of cory should be kept in flocks; many cory kept alone like to keep away. Cory should be kept only with small and medium-sized fish… Selengkapnya »

  • Rabaut’s Cory | Corydoras Rabauty

    Jul 1, 2022

    Corydora s  is the scientific name of the mouse fish, in English it is also called bronze catfish  or armored catfish . Why is it called mouse fish? Because, this fish has properties like a rat who is afraid when he sees humans. The name corydoras is taken from the… Selengkapnya »

  • Pygmy Leopard catfish | Synodontis Petricola

    Jul 1, 2022

    In terms of shape, I assume that leopard fish are still similar to catfish. The resemblance is found in the shape of the body and also the mustache around the mouth. Perhaps what distinguishes the two is the white color around the bottom of the leopard fish’s body, while the… Selengkapnya »

  • Corydoras Julii | Corydoras Julii

    Jul 1, 2022

    Corydoras Julii / Corydoras Sterbai The name is often misunderstood because it is very similar to the Thre Stripe Cory, it is easy to tell the difference between the spots on the top of the head to the whole body. If the Three Stripe Cory the spots tend to stick… Selengkapnya »

  • Panda Garra | Garra flavatra

    Jul 1, 2022

    Panda Garra is an ornate sucking-mouth cat. As the panda’s name suggests, the Garra Panda displays wide, alternating bands of light and dark colors. Its unique markings are highlighted by a diamond-shaped scale pattern and a hint of red on the fins. Due to its unusual markings and peaceful nature,… Selengkapnya »

  • Corydoras Peppered Albino | Corydoras paleatus

    Jun 30, 2022

    This Corydoras looks very eccentric because it has a perfect white hue all over its body. In fact, the color of his eyeballs is white and has a pink hue in the middle of the eye. Corydoras Albino can reach a maximum size of 5 to 10 centimeters as an… Selengkapnya »

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