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Blog Ornamental Freshwater Fish From Indonesia

  • Corydoras Albino | Corydoras aeneus

    Jul 5, 2022

    First there is the type of albino. This type of corydoras has a body length of up to 6 cm. Fish are suitable as aquarium ornamental fish. The reason is, this albino corydoras likes the flow of water and can adapt very well. When combined with calm fish it is… Selengkapnya »

  • Green corydoras | Corydoras aeneus

    Jul 5, 2022

    Emerald Green Cory adds interest and beauty to the bottom of your aquarium. This popular aquarium scavenger has an emerald green body with a pink underside. In addition to its ornamental presence, the Emerald Green Cory Cat provides a valuable service for devouring uneaten food at the bottom of the… Selengkapnya »

  • Corydoras Peppered | Corydoras paleatus

    Jul 5, 2022

    Peppered Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras paleatus) Peppered Corydoras Catfish originate from tributaries of the larger river systems in South America, and are peaceful underground scavengers. The Peppered Corydoras Catfish has black and dark green spots, with a white underside. The Peppered Corydoras Catfish requires a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding… Selengkapnya »

  • Longfin Corydoras Panda | Corydoras panda sp.

    Jul 5, 2022

    Corydoras panda is a fish that belongs to the catfish family ( catfish ) originating from South America and a member of the original inhabitants of the waters there, and also this fish is a common corydoras fish that is kept and is easy to find in the market. Corydoras… Selengkapnya »

  • Corydoras Sterbai | Corydoras Sterbai

    Jul 5, 2022

    Corydoras Sterbai (Corydoras sterbai) Parent Maintenance Corydoras good parent is selected which is 6-8 months old. The male parent is smaller than the fatter female. Parent kept in an aquarium measuring cm with a density of 50-80 broodstock, it is better to separate the male and female parents in different… Selengkapnya »

  • Similis Corydoras | Corydoras Similis

    Jul 5, 2022

    Corydoras Catfish are one of the most peaceful and entertaining scavengers for freshwater aquariums, and will thrive in a wide variety of water conditions. This catfish is a very energetic scavenger that is relatively small in size. Because of this, they are perfect for keeping substrate clean in smaller freshwater… Selengkapnya »

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