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Blog Ornamental Freshwater Fish From Indonesia

  • Comet Short Tail | Carassius auratus

    Jul 15, 2022

    Comet fish has a shape similar to goldfish, especially seen from the size of the tail is long, fluttering, and white. However, this fish with the Latin name Carassius auratus is actually different from the goldfish. In addition to being a pet fish in the aquarium, this fish is also… Selengkapnya »

  • Shubunkin | Carassius auratus

    Jul 15, 2022

    The shubunkin goldfish has two variants (the London shubunkin and Bristol shubunkin). The Shubunkin Koki fish looks like a common goldfish or comet but the mix of body colors is more vibrant. Many people who fall in love with the beauty of this fish, think you will also like Shubunkins… Selengkapnya »

  • Spatula Gar | Lepisosteus oculatus

    Jul 14, 2022

    Alligator gar ( Atractosteus spatula ) is not a native Indonesian fish. This fish is native to the waters of North America and Central America. This fish inhabits the waters along Texas and Oklahoma as well as the Mississippi River, Ohio and Missouri rivers to Mexico. Alligator Fish Classification KINGDOM… Selengkapnya »

  • Alligator Gar

    Jul 14, 2022

    Alligator fish ( Alligator gar ) is a dangerous fish because it has an invasive nature. This ferocious fish can grow quickly and threaten other endemic animals. This fish with the scientific name Atractosteus spatula has the ability to adapt to various salinities from freshwater lakes, brackish water, swamps, estuaries,… Selengkapnya »

  • Danio Zebra Golden | Brachydanio rerio

    Jul 14, 2022

    The Zebra Danio , also known as the Striped Danio or Zebrafish, is a small freshwater fish. They are one of the most popular freshwater fish species among ornamental fish hobbyists. Zebra Danio have been selectively bred and genetically modified to change their appearance. Zebra Danio Danio is a very… Selengkapnya »

  • Danio Purple | Brachydanio rerio

    Jul 14, 2022

    Zebra danio fish is one type of ornamental fish that is popular among ornamental fish lovers. This fish is very easy to find in various ornamental fish shops and the price is relatively cheap, namely the range. IDR 3,000 per head. Besides being cheap, this fish also has a very… Selengkapnya »

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