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Blog Ornamental Freshwater Fish From Indonesia

  • Betta Fighting Red (SINGLE PACK) | Betta splendends

    Jun 9, 2022

    Betta fish is one of the prima donna for ornamental fish lovers. The colorful fish scales are the main attraction. Plus, the way of livestock and betta fish cultivation for beginners is also called not so difficult. With just a small aquarium, a basin, and even a glass, you can… Selengkapnya »

  • Betta Female Mixed | Betta splendends

    Jun 9, 2022

    The difference between male and female betta fish is important to study because it can help in many ways, one of which is in identifying betta fish diseases . As you get older, the differences between male and female betta fish will become more visible. Although at first glance it… Selengkapnya »

  • Betta Big Ear | Betta splendends

    Jun 9, 2022

    As the name suggests, Big Ear Betta Fish is a type of betta fish that has large front fins, so it looks like elephant ears, that’s where the origin of the name comes from where elephant ears are large. Betta fish is also known as Dumbo Betta fish. This type… Selengkapnya »

  • Betta Dragon | Betta splendends

    Jun 9, 2022

    According to Pichet (Interfish breeder team – Thailand), the first one was created using SUPER red (SUPER RED) plaques, red cooper plaques and Betta sp. Mahachai. With some difficulty, the wild Betta Mahachai from the wild was cross-bred with the red cooper plaque with the intention of preserving Betta sp.… Selengkapnya »

  • Betta Half Moon Fancy | Betta splendends

    Jun 8, 2022

    Halfmoon betta fish are known as a type of betta that is authoritative and looks calm when swimming in water. His name was given because his tail is as wide as a half moon, another name is the big ear betta. Its beauty is not only in its body and… Selengkapnya »

  • Betta Half Moon Rosetail | Betta splendends

    Jun 8, 2022

    Halfmoon King Rosetail Betta Fish – Betta fish are a popular aquarium fish known for their striking coloration, colorful scales, and long fins that flutter around them like a dress. Bettas are known to be territorial fish and fight when the two are placed together or when they see their… Selengkapnya »

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