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Monodactylus Argenteus

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Monodactylus Fish  | Has a very wide distribution area. This fish is found in the Red Sea, along the coast of Australia, East Africa, and throughout Southeast Asia. Generally these fish are found in groups in shallow estuaries, rocky beaches. Adult fish generally live on the coast, while young fish live in fresh or brackish waters.

Aquarium Set-up 

Silver moony is a fish that swims throughout the entire mass of the aquarium. It is recommended to keep it in groups, there are at least three fish in one group. Aquariums that have a large size are also recommended considering these fish can grow big. Some people keep this fish in a fresh state even though this fish is actually a brackish water fish. So that the state of health is better maintained, it is better for these fish to be kept in a brackish state by mixing sea salt or sea water into the aquarium. These fish do best when kept full of salt water. The substrate used can be in the form of fine sand or gravel. Prepare lots of open areas for swimming. Root cuttings and driftwood are perfect for decoration for this fish.

Silver moony is an omnivorous fish that has a large appetite. In the wild these fish consume a variety of plant matter, detritus, and insects. Although in the aquarium this fish can be given dry feed, try to provide a variety of feed which consists of live feed and frozen feed such as brine shrimp or bloodworm. Vegetable feeds can also be given, such as spinach, lettuce, peas, and algae.


It is recommended to keep it in groups of five fish in one group, but three fish are also enough. Silver moony is a peaceful fish but occasionally this fish fights with each other. These fish can increase the hierarchical system in their group, where the bigger and more dominant fish eat first. In other fish this fish is pacifist, so this fish can be kept together with other brackish fish species such as scat, buntel, archerfish, or indodats. Silver moony is known to eat other, smaller fish as easily as this fish is intimidated by other fish that are getting bigger, so don’t keep this fish with fish that are much larger in size.


Silver moony is one of the ornamental fish that has an attractive body shape. The body is very similar to the manvish fish, except that it lacks the pectoral filaments and has thinner pelvic fins. This fish is often referred to as mono fish in Indonesia.

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