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Mini Blue Crayfish | Cambarellus Diminitus

05 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Lobster is a marine shrimp that belongs to the genus Homarus which is commonly called crayfish or prawns. This animal has a segmented body like a shrimp in general.

The difference, lobster has a hard skin. Because of its relatively larger size, it has a more expensive economic value than shrimp.

  1. Characteristics of Blue

Lobsters Blue lobsters have an elongated body and are somewhat different from other types of lobster. Their abdomen is covered by a flexible membrane that facilitates their movement.

The lobster’s two large clamps or claws can dig into the sand to a depth of two meters. In addition, they have a central fin on their tail which is surrounded by four other fins.

These fins are used to move quickly while in the water. Then the blue lobster has a body length of about 25 to 30 centimeters and a weight of 250 grams, as quoted by Our Marine Species .

  1. Differences Between Females and Males

Although in appearance the female and male blue lobsters are very similar, there are some striking differences. The first difference is the location of the genital pore.

The female lobster’s reproductive organs are located at the base of the third leg and have a round and transparent shape. While the male, his reproductive organs are located at the base of the fifth leg.

Another difference is that female lobsters have pleopods (legs for swimming) that are longer than males.

  1. Blue Lobster Habitat Prefers Clear Water

Blue lobsters usually prefer clear water although they can also live in other places.

These lobsters have several advantages, for example they can live in seasonal streams and can survive droughts. Later they will bury themselves under the mud at a certain depth and stay there until it rains again.

Blue lobsters are also still in the category of freshwater and semi-aquatic creatures that require extensive vegetation but more importantly high oxygen concentrations in the water.

  1. Blue Lobsters are more widely distributed on the Australian continent

Regarding the distribution of blue lobsters, they are widely distributed throughout the Australian continent but they prefer the waters in the states of Victoria and New Wales.

Not a few of them are often seen in the waters of the state of Queensland. Blue lobsters that live in these waters are considered an invasive species because they compete with other local species.

  1. Blue Lobster Can Produce About 200 Eggs

Blue lobsters have a relatively short life cycle but fast growth rate and fecundity (the actual reproductive rate of an organism or population as measured by the number of gametes, seeds or high asexual propagules).

Female lobsters can only reproduce at the age of four years. Later he will hide in a damp place until the eggs hatch and these eggs can reach 200 eggs.

The eggs are green oval in shape and are attached to the legs of the female lobster. They take about 19-40 days to hatch depending on the water temperature.

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