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Metae Corydoras | Corydoras Metae

01 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Corydoras catfish or ornamental catfish are small, peaceful scavenger fish that live under aquariums and are loved by all who keep them. Almost all species of cory should be kept in flocks; many cory kept alone like to keep away. Cory should be kept only with small and medium-sized fish that are peaceful.

Cory, like all catfish, are bottom-water fish and scavengers (though they also like to eat artemia). On the one hand, they can help keep your tank clean by eating food debris and other debris. But corys also tend to make a bit of a mess when they clump up the substrate and send algae and other debris into the water.

The bottom line is, while they can be considered part of the “janitor” in your aquarium, they also need a little help from snails, shrimp, and other scavengers.

  1. Bandit Cory (Corydoras metae)
  • Size: 5cm
  • Life expectancy: 5 years


Bandit Cory (Corydoras metae)

Bandit Cory has long been in the ornamental fish trade and is a popular member of this family. They are easily identified by the black faces around the eyes, resembling bandit masks. This fish is more sensitive to variations in water temperature than some other species.

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