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Longfin Corydoras Panda | Corydoras panda sp.

05 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Corydoras panda is a fish that belongs to the catfish family ( catfish ) originating from South America and a member of the original inhabitants of the waters there, and also this fish is a common corydoras fish that is kept and is easy to find in the market.

Corydoras panda has a pale white color, with black spots on the eyes of the upper and rear fins, and also has a slightly orange or brown color when observed closely and these colors will be visible in certain light.

Corydoras panda is a fish that likes to swim in groups, keep more than 5 tails they will swim to and fro following the length and width of the aquarium, try to have good oxygenation in the aquarium either from the aerator, or from a good filtration current, because in Their natural habitat is in waters that have currents, rocks, live plants and are well oxygenated.

A fish that is very popular with all aquarists, both fish hobbyists or specifically those who like in aquascapes because corydoras have an important role because these fish eat any leftover fish food, pellets, worms and so on that settles or is stored in the substrate.

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