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Leopard Ctenopoma | Ctenopoma acullostre

28 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Ctenopoma is a fish that belongs to the Anabantidae tribe or is still one tribe with gourami, sepat and betok fish. This fish, which has the scientific name Ctenopoma acutirostre , has many names, including Leopard ctenopoma, Leopard bushfish, Spotted ctenopoma, Spotted climbing perch, Spoted leaf fish, Africana leaf fish and Spotted bushfish.


Ctenopoma fish their natural habitat comes from the Congo river in Africa. Ctenopoma can grow up to 20cm, and this fish is also a predatory fish because when in the wild it eats a variety of water, mollusks, shrimp and small fish. As for maintenance in the aquarium, these fish can be accustomed to being fed silk worms, shrimp and pellets.

For water quality, fish that can live up to 15 years need ideal water with a temperature of 26C with a neutral pH. At the local fish market, this fish is sold at a price of around 10 thousand rupiah per fish for 5-6cm fish. The market share in Indonesia itself is relatively lacking because to maintain it, live feed is needed, so it is a little inconvenient for hobbyists who want to maintain it.

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