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Lemon Cichlid | Labidochromis caeruleus

27 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Scientific Classification

Kingdom :  Animalia

Phylum:  Chordata

Class : Actinopterygii

Order: Cichliformes

Family: Cichlidae S

Genus: Neolamprologus

Species : N. leleupi

Latin/Scientific Name : Neolamprologus leleupi

As you can see, the body color of the Lemon Cichlid is yellow. Its body is rather slender and small so that at first glance it looks a bit like a rocket.

Oh yes, when it comes to size, this fish can only reach a length of 4 inches or 10 cm, you know. It turns out that this fish is too small.

Lemon Cichlid Fish is one of the Cichlid fish which is endemic to Lake Tanganyika. Wow, if you think about it, it turns out that the area is also exclusive.


Since this fish is actually a carnivore, the Lemon Cichlid needs a protein diet. In the wild, this yellow fish feeds on zoobenthic organisms, aquatic insects and copepods.

There are tips for those of you who want to keep Lemon Cichlids. To maintain a good balance, feed them a high-quality flake or pellet food daily.

Dietary supplements that can be given regularly are brine shrimp (either live or frozen), cyclops, or daphnia. Live protein foods high in carotene, such as mysis, help trigger their beautiful coloration.

Feed about 2 to 5 smaller meals a day in smaller amounts than the large once a day. So it means that it is better to give small portions but with a more frequent frequency. Got it here? OK, let’s move on.

These tips will actually really maintain higher water quality for a longer time. ‘Fasting’ one day a week can also be beneficial for the Lemon Cichlid fish.


Habitat & Characteristics

Lemon Cichlid fish can be found in all types of habitats. They can be found both on the surface and in very deep waters.

Lemon Cichlids are found along the rocky coastline on the east and west sides of the lake at depths between 16 – 131 feet (5 – 40 meters), but are most abundant in deeper waters at 131 feet (40 meters). 40 meters? It turned out to be in too.

If you take a walk to their habitat and find this fish. Oh, don’t be surprised. Because usually these fish are usually found alone and inhabit rocky terrain recesses.



Talking about temperament, you must be curious, right? Because every time they keep their DNA together with other fish, the Lemon Cichlid looks more mischievous.

Well, they are actually non-aggressive community fish. They can be combined with smaller species in one aquarium. Provided they have their own territory.

This fish turns out to be best, you know, kept with tankmates who behave calmly like other Tanganyikan Cichlids from the Julidochromis genus such as Julie Dickfeld and Julie Prisoners, the Altolamprologus genus, White Pearly Calvus, and Synodontis catfish.

Then there are things that must be avoided in order to ensure the safety of the Lemon Cichlid fish. So it is best to avoid combining them with African Cichlids from Lake Malawi or Lake Victoria in the same aquarium.

Although relatively peaceful, they can become aggressive with other fish of their own kind. In the wild, Lemon Cichlids are usually found alone. Even in pairs, they will only congregate for reproductive purposes.

For this temperament problem, there are tips too, you know. What’s that? Keep a minimum of 6 Lemon Cichlid fish in one aquarium. Why is that, for now there is no scientific and definite reason. But based on experience, this is indeed the recommendation.

The amount of Lemon Cichlid fish will affect the stress level you know. And of course, the stress level will affect the growth rate.

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