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Kribensis Ciclid | Pelvicachromis pulcher

25 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Kribensis fish – is a cichlide fish that is endemic to rivers in West Africa (Nigeria and Cameroon). This fish is very popular as an aquarium ornamental fish because it is not only an attractive body color, it is also a relatively small body size of 8-10 cm.

The dorsal side is brown with a blue sheen and the belly is white with a fairly wide purple pattern. The gills are covered with a brown pattern which is red above and blue below. its body has a black stripe that extends from the base of the tail to the mouth. The mouth of the kribensis is pink to red. The body size of female fish is usually smaller and more rounded than males.

The kribensis fish are omnivores and eat anything including worms, algae, crustaceans and insects. In its natural habitat, kribensis live in rivers with warm temperatures, namely 24-26 degrees Celsius, and pH 5, 6-6, 2. Distinguishing male and female fish can not only be seen from body size, it can be seen from the pelvic fins. The pelvic fins of male fish are tapered but in females it is round.

Reproduction or breeding techniques remain little known but in the wild fish can lay eggs, digging holes under aquatic plants. An artificial hole in the tank may also be used as a spawning area, although fish may tend to dig as well to lay eggs.

The female can identify the strongest male in her group by brightening the purple color of her belly and vibrating her body in front of the male as a signal that she is ready to reproduce. eggs are generally on the surface of the hole with a number of 50 to 300 eggs in the nest. The reddish-brown eggs can hatch after 2-3 days and the two parents always protect the fish for up to 28 days.

Fish chicks can swim freely after 4 days and can be given mini-sized food such as artemia or pellets. care in the aquarium likes a setting with lots of plants even though the kribensis no longer touches it, besides that the presence of wood and stone can make these fish more comfortable. kribensis is not an aggressive fish so it can be kept with other fish of the same size as small cichlids, barbs and tetras.

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