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Half Blue Neon Guppy | Poecillia raticulata

06 August 2022 - Kategori Blog

Half Moon Platinum Guppy Fish

Characteristics/ characteristics:

  • Gradient body color pattern.
  • Has a body shape that looks very beautiful.
  • All parts of his body are silver platinum.
  • In the middle of the body has a black to silver color.
  • This guppy fish is included in the type of guppy with an expensive price.


Guppies or guppies with the scientific name Poecilia reticulata are one of the most sought after ornamental fish by ornamental fish lovers.

Their varied colors and relatively cheap prices make them much sought after for pets and for cultivation.

The funny name of this fish is taken from the real name of the inventor. His name is Mr. Robert John Lechmere Guppy .

This one fish also has another designation as suwadakar fish which is a native fish from Central and South America.

Guppies then began to spread in the islands of Barbados, Trinidad, Guyana, Tobago, Antilles and several other islands.

Then this fish began to enter Indonesia around the 1920s living in free waters.

Over time, these fish in the wild then began to breed freely until now they can be found in almost all freshwater waters of Indonesia.

This fish has more than 300 species with unique sizes, colors, and tail shapes.

For its own nature, this fish tends to be calm and peaceful in nature. Where they are not aggressive to other fish in their natural habitat.

That’s why this fish is ideal as a pet, especially for beginners.


The natural habitat of the guppies is in the warm fresh waters of South America.

So if you want to make the fish grow healthy and comfortable, then as best you can, you have to imitate the conditions in their natural habitat.

As a basic thing you need to do is set up using good water circulation.

Most people keep guppies in 10 gallon tanks. But in a smaller tank the fish can still live well.

Then you also need a water heater to keep the water temperature between 23-27 Celsius.

Place the water heater on one end of the tank and the thermometer on the opposite end.

This way, you can tell if the water temperature is consistent across all surfaces of the aquarium.

Although this fish is known to be tough in various types of water and pH levels, this fish is more ideal for living in water with a pH of 7 to 7.2.


Guppies are fish with a calm and peace-loving appearance.They like to live in groups and are quite active. They will be constantly swimming constantly in the aquarium.

If they are still and do not move, it indicates that the fish is feeling stressed or sick.

If you encounter such conditions, then you should immediately check the condition of the tank and the food.

Guppies had changed into Lebistes reticulatus . But now it is known as Poecilia reticulata.

Even some people also give the nickname Million Fish because it has a high rate of breeding speed, and the nickname Rainbow Fish because it has varied and beautiful colors.

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