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Green corydoras | Corydoras aeneus

05 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Emerald Green Cory adds interest and beauty to the bottom of your aquarium. This popular aquarium scavenger has an emerald green body with a pink underside. In addition to its ornamental presence, the Emerald Green Cory Cat provides a valuable service for devouring uneaten food at the bottom of the aquarium. Also known as the Green Catfish or Emerald Brochis, the Emerald Green Cory Cat is native to the South American region of the Amazon River basin.


It inhabits waters with high vegetation and neutral pH. A minimum aquarium size of 30 gallons is recommended for the Emerald Green Cory. To mimic the natural habitat of this catfish, the aquarium should be well planted with lots of driftwood.

Keep the pH close to neutral and provide strong filtration to ensure proper health. In the aquarium, the female will collect the eggs in a pelvic fin basket and deposit them individually on plants, rocks, driftwood, and other objects. Pairs are known to lay from 900 to 1,100 eggs. The Emerald Green Cory Cat will eat food that is already at the bottom of the tank. However, supplementary foods such as bloodworms, tubifex, flake food, or carnivorous sink pellets should be offered to ensure proper nutrition.

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