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Gourami Pearl | Trichogaster leeri

27 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Pearl gourami (Trichopodus leerii, Trichogaster leerii formerly ) – A living representative of aquarium fish from Asia, and more precisely, later Thailand, Malaysia, the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.

It can be said with confidence that the pearl gourami is one of the most beautiful fish among its relatives, just like the honey gourami. (Trichogaster chuna) , Dwarf (Trichopsis pumila) Seen  (Trichopodus trichopterus) Smelling (Helostoma temminckii) and other species. Competition in pearl gourami beauty will be able to make, except that Lelius (Trichogaster Lalius) , with unforgettable color variations

In addition, the pearl gourami is a very hardy, unpretentious and very productive fish (depending on the size, the female can lay up to 2000 eggs at a time).

Pearl gourami and black water.

In the wild, gourami live in swamps called “black water”. It resembles the color of slightly watered coffee. This water is very acidic (pH about 4.5). Yes, in aquariums the gourami are used to living in water with almost all parameters, but in the wild, if the swamp with “black water” disappears, then the gourami is extinct. And the swamps are getting smaller every year. In pursuit of profit, people began to dry it and use it for plantations. palm oil , from which they then receive  palm oil . Therefore, it is now almost impossible to find fish caught in the wild for sale. All of them are bred and grown in aquariums.

Gouramy pearls. Content in the aquarium.

When kept in a home aquarium, these fish are ideal for beginner aquarists. He is very strong, unpretentious and peaceful. It will be able to adapt to almost all conditions of containment and water parameters in your aquarium. The only thing to remember is that gouramy refers to a labyrinth fish, that is, it can breathe open air. Therefore, in the aquarium there should always be an open air space between the water and the lid. And during their transportation it is impossible to pump pure oxygen into the bag, as is often done with other species. The maze will soon burn the internal organs.

Gouramy pearls. Interesting facts.

  • Due to the fact that pearl gourami in the wild live in “black water”, where vision doesn’t really help, their pelvic fins stretch into long, very sensitive antennae. With the help of which the fish constantly pluck the space around them. And this process is very interesting to watch. The main thing is not to settle aggressive fish with them, which will constantly attract these antennae.
  • Fish can still make real noises, especially during spawning. And what is connected with it is not known for certain.
  • Gourami, like some other species, such as Striped Spray (Toxotes jaculatrix) can prey on surface insects. They are near the surface of the water, looking for insects sitting on surface branches, then they spit out streams of water, knock them down and eat them. True, in this aquarium it is almost impossible to see.
  • And another very useful property of this fish. They love to eat hydra. And a hydra is a kind of polyp that can grow from its tiny part, and therefore is practically immortal and cannot be killed. And getting the hydra out of the aquarium is far from easy.

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