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Danio Red Zebra | Brachydanio rerio

14 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

This ornamental fish is found in the waters of the Ganges River which crosses several countries.

Mainly in the tributaries of the Ganges, along the Coromandel coast, from Callucatta to Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

This fish can be found in a variety of habitats, ranging from calm waters to steady/unflowing waters, especially in rivers, lakes, and rice fields that have a mud substrate.

These fish usually eat zooplankton and small insects, or other animals whose size fits their mouths which are quite small.

How to Keep Zebra Fish

Zebra Danio fish is included in the type of tropical ornamental fish, so it is perfect for those of you who want to learn to maintain ornamental fish, because the maintenance is quite easy.

Well, here are some needs and how to care for zebra danio fish:

  1. Prepare the Aquarium

Prepare a medium-sized aquarium, adjust to how many fish will be kept, not too narrow because it can interfere with the survival of the fish.

  1. Put Small Pebbles In It

This ornamental fish really likes the presence of gravel or other components at the bottom of the aquarium. Add small pebbles of at least 1 to 2 cm.

  1. Add Water

Add water, use water that has not been exposed to chemicals, can use well water or PDAM water (note the water contains chlorine / not). After that let the water, at least 12 hours.

  1. Put the Zebra Danio in the Aquarium

Now, after waiting for the water that was added to settle, now is the time to put the fish into it.

Enter at least 5 fish, because considering these fish are social fish and likes to group, because if kept alone, the fish will often feel lonely and can even lead to death.

  1. Feed Regularly

In order for the fish to survive in the aquarium, you must regularly feed them, because if they are lacking in fulfilling the zebrafish’s appetite, the fish will be thin and it is not impossible that the fish will die.

  1. Always Maintain Aquarium Temperature

These fish can survive in temperatures around 18 to 24 degrees Celsius, for that you must pay close attention to the temperature of your aquarium.

To maintain the temperature, you can install an aquarium heater, the use of this heater can also help encourage fish to breed.

  1. Clean the Aquarium Periodically

Dirty and cloudy water can interfere with zebrafish life, for that you have to clean the aquarium regularly.

If the fish has started to look cloudy, then immediately clean it and replace the aquarium water with a new one.

In changing the aquarium water, there is no need to replace the whole thing, just replace 1/4 of it and you also don’t need to remove the gravel that is inside.

You only need to clean the dirt underneath, you can use a siphon to suck up the dirt under the gravel.

In addition to changing the water, before that you also need to clean the glass from moss and food residue.

Fish That Can Be Combined With Zebra Fish

This fish is indeed a peaceful fish and easy to get along with other ornamental fish. However, because of their aggressive nature, in some cases these fish will bite the tails of other larger fish, such as betta fish, manfish, and guppies.

Now if you want to combine this fish with other fish, you should combine it with small fish, such as: Molly Fish, Black Ghost, Neon Tetra, and Platy.

Difference Between Male and Female Zebra Fish

The color of the male fish is brighter and more attractive, while the color of the female fish is a bit darker.

The body shape of the male fish is slimmer than that of the female fish, even when the female fish is gonad (it is ready to mate its belly will look rounder).

Best Food For Zebra Fish

Given the small size of the zebrafish, the size of its mouth is also quite small. Then you have to give him a small amount of food.

You can give small pellets, you can give betta fish pellets because they are more or less the same size.

Also Read: Black Ghost Fish

But besides pellets, you can also feed him, such as:

  • Silk Worm
  • Daphnia
  • Microworm
  • Artemia
  • Water fleas

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