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Danio Purple | Brachydanio rerio

14 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Zebra danio fish is one type of ornamental fish that is popular among ornamental fish lovers. This fish is very easy to find in various ornamental fish shops and the price is relatively cheap, namely the range. IDR 3,000 per head. Besides being cheap, this fish also has a very strong immune system and is easy to adapt to a new environment, so this zebra danio fish is very suitable for beginners who want to keep ornamental fish.

As the name implies, “zebra”, this fish has a characteristic on its body which has a black line along its body to the back of the tail. The zebra danio fish body color is dominated by red on the top and a little white around the lines. Zebra danio fish have habitats in the country of Nepal to India.

The Nature of the Zebra Danio

Zebra danio fish are very active. He moves swiftly and swiftly. These fish live in groups but do not move in the same direction. These fish just flock with random movements.

Since zebrafish move in groups, it is recommended that you buy these fish in large quantities and combine them in 1 aquarium.

The more the better, at least 5 in 1 aquarium. This also serves so that the fish do not experience stress, are less active, and can cause death.

Besides zebra danio, there is also such a thing as a GloFish zebrafish.

It’s actually the same type of fish, the GloFish is a genetically modified zebra danio.

The zebra danio fish has a jellyfish gene added to produce a color that glows in the dark.

Zebra danio fish with various colors are also widely sold in online stores.

Some of the types are zebra neon green, starfire red, cosmic blue, sunburst orange, and galactic purple.

The color of this zebra is very bright, not inferior to neon fish. this fish can be called zebra neon with varied colors

How to Care for Zebra Danio Fish

  1. Maintain water quality

Although these fish have a strong immune system, we must maintain the quality of the water in the aquarium. Change the water in the aquarium about 20% – 25% once a week. If you want to use PAM water, you should first leave it for 1 or 2 days so that the chlorine and chlorine in the water disappear.

  1. Group

These fish live in groups. If you want to maintain you should keep at least 5 tails in 1 aquarium.

  1. Feed

These fish include all-eaters or omnivores. We can feed him in the form of worms, water fleas, insects, and pellets. Feeding is done twice a day, in the morning and evening.

If you feed pellets, pay attention to their size so that they are easily eaten by fish.

This fish is very popular because the color is very bright

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