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Corydoras Sterbai | Corydoras Sterbai

05 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Corydoras Sterbai (Corydoras sterbai)

Parent Maintenance

Corydoras good parent is selected which is 6-8 months old. The male parent is smaller than the fatter female. Parent kept in an aquarium measuring cm with a density of 50-80 broodstock, it is better to separate the male and female parents in different aquariums.

During the maintenance of broodstock fed frozen worms ( blood worms) , or small earthworms. Feeding is done with a frequency of twice a day at satiation. Water changes need to be done as much as 10% every two weeks. Siphoning is done every day so that the accumulated dirt and feed residue does not rot and cause ammonia levels to increase. Water lost after siphoning is replaced as before.



Spawning is carried out in a cm-sized aquarium or cement tank with a size of cm with a depth of 25 cm for an aquarium and 40-50 cm for a cement pond. The ratio of males to females is 3:2 or 2:1, but in general it is 2 males and 1 female. Spawning usually occurs in the morning until late afternoon. The eggs that are released are laid on a substrate of glass, aquatic plants, raffia and stone but it is best to use one of these materials.

The media that has been attached to the eggs should be immediately removed and transferred to the hatchery aquarium, or the parent can be removed. Parent who has spawned should be reared again to ripen the eggs. In one spawning a parent can release 50-300 eggs.


Hatching Eggs and Larva/Seed Maintenance

Eggs are placed in a hatchery that is the same size as the spawning tank. In order not to be attacked by fungi should be given MB as much as 2 ppm. The eggs will hatch after three days, and the larvae that hatch can only be fed three days later. The feed given was Artemia nauplii until the larvae were a week old.

After a week the feed is replaced with water fleas (Daphnia) , but it is best if during this feed transition period Artemia is still mixed in water fleas so as not to be surprised. Water fleas are given for three weeks which can then be given fine silk worms and the size is slightly increased as the fish age. After two months, the fish are ready to sell.

The quality of rearing water for larvae or seeds must be considered so that mass death due to poisoning does not occur. Water changes are carried out regularly, as well as siphoning is carried out after every feeding so that dirt and leftover feed do not accumulate. Water that is wasted due to siphoning is replaced with new water.

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