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Corydoras Peppered Albino | Corydoras paleatus

30 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

This Corydoras looks very eccentric because it has a perfect white hue all over its body. In fact, the color of his eyeballs is white and has a pink hue in the middle of the eye.

Corydoras Albino can reach a maximum size of 5 to 10 centimeters as an adult and are happy with water temperatures between 22 to 26 degrees Celsius with a water pH between 5.8 to 7.0. This fish will be very fitting kept in an aquarium with a size of 35 to 40 liters of water. The price of albino corydoras in the market ranges from 3,500 to 5,000 Rupiah for one fish.

Corydoras fish which has the Latin name Corydora belongs to the Callichthyidae family under the Corydoradinae subfamily and is rooted in rivers in South America. This fish is in fact a small ornamental fish group because it has a maximum body of 2.5 cm to 12 cm when mature. Well, it turns out that the types are very diverse. In addition to its unique physical appearance, this fish is also a type of algae eater.

If in its natural environment, corydoras are usually found in tributaries with calm and not swift river currents, sandy rivers and are often found in swamps along river boundaries which in fact have shallow and fairly clear water.

Corydoras fish are freshwater ornamental fish that like to hunt for food at the bottom of the aquarium where there is sand or small stones. These fish are happy with the pH of water that is close to neutral or slightly acidic. Fish belonging to this type of catfish are different from several other types of catfish.

While other types of catfish are more active at night or are nocturnal animals, corydoras are even more active during the day. These fish like to hang out with the same species and can sometimes get together with other fish that are still in the same family as the Cory family.

Corydoras fish are quite liked by hobbyists of freshwater ornamental fish because in addition to having beautiful color patterns, Corydoras fish have another function, namely being able to maintain the cleanliness of the aquarium, namely by cleaning and hunting for food at the bottom of the aquarium.

In addition, the calm and non-aggressive character and small size really accommodates this fish combined with other fish in one aquarium container. Corydoras fish’s natural food is small insects that exist in the aquarium background, for example several types of worms and small animals that live in the sand.

Even though it is not a carnivorous fish species, this fish can eat fish carcasses found at the bottom of the aquarium. This is because of the natural character of this fish which includes fish that like to clean


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