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Corydoras Julii | Corydoras Julii

01 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Corydoras Julii / Corydoras Sterbai

The name is often misunderstood because it is very similar to the Thre Stripe Cory, it is easy to tell the difference between the spots on the top of the head to the whole body. If the Three Stripe Cory the spots tend to stick together, then this fish is different.

Corydoras Julii has patches that are disjointed and disjointed like its sibling. Just like other cory, this fish will be best placed in an aquarium tank of at least 35 liters. When mature, this fish is able to grow up to a maximum size of 6 cm.

This fish likes water with a temperature of 22 -26 degrees Celsius with a water pH between 6.5 – 7.0. Classified as a very peaceful fish, this fish can be combined with other types of fish as long as it is not an aggressive fish.


Corydoras are fish that forage on the surface of the sand and among the gravel at the bottom of the aquarium. These fish like the pH of water that is close to neutral or slightly acidic. Fish belonging to this type of catfish are different from several other types of catfish.

If other types of catfish will be active at night ( nocturnal ), corydoras will actually look more active during the day. These fish will group together with the same species and sometimes in groups with other fish that are still in the same family as the cory family.

Corydoras are quite liked by fans of freshwater ornamental fish because in addition to having beautiful color patterns, these fish also play a role in maintaining the cleanliness of the aquarium, namely by looking for food at the bottom of the aquarium.

In addition, the calm and non-aggressive behavior and small size allows this fish to be combined with other fish in one aquarium tank. The natural food of corydoras is insects found at the bottom of the aquarium such as several types of worms and small sand-dwelling fauna.

Although not a carnivorous fish species, this fish will eat fish carcasses found at the bottom of the aquarium. This is because naturally this fish is a fish that likes to clean.

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