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Corydoras Albino Longfin | Corydoras anues

28 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

This small ornamental fish has many names, some of which are quite popular, namely Cory catfish, Cory Fish, Cory Cat, and some even call it armored catfish.

This fish has become one of the favorites of ornamental fish lovers, especially those who are used to playing aquascape, because of its small and tiny size that can add to the beauty in it.

The name Corydoras comes from Greece, which means: Cory (helmet) and Doras (Skin) if translated into Indonesian, it can be interpreted as fish armor.

This Ornamental Fish is the largest largest genus of neo-tropical fish, with more than 142 other neo-tropical fish species.

Corydoras fish habitat is in small rivers or swamps, where he usually lives on the banks of shallow and very clean rivers, generally found among the lush plants on the banks of rivers.

This fish usually lives in various types of water, but this fish prefers soft, neutral and slightly acidic or alkaline water.

In their natural habitat these fish usually eat insects that live underwater, insect larvae and various types of worms.

Although this fish is not a predatory ornamental fish, but this fish will eat dead fish bankai, the way of eating them is also quite unique because the position of the mouth under this fish will suck it to be able to eat it.

Corydoras Fish Characteristics

The innate character of this fish is calm and its movements are also very rare and more often silent (but not stagnant).

This fish is an underwater resident, who will spend more time at the bottom of the aquarium and only occasionally to the surface and even then very rarely.

However, although this fish tends to be calm, this fish has a high curiosity which makes this fish actively move to and fro rubbing the sand to look for possible food on each side of the aquarium.

For body size, this fish is only able to grow up to 2.5 to 6 cm.

Why Should You Keep Corydoras Fish?

It turns out that in addition to this fish having a unique and beautiful body shape, it turns out that this fish also has quite good benefits for your aquarium.

But more to the characteristics of this fish that likes to swim at the bottom of the aquarium and eat almost anything that is at the bottom of the aquarium.

The characteristics of the corydoras fish are able to keep the aquarium clean and avoid the accumulation of leftover food at the bottom of the aquarium.

Its nature is like a broom fish, which likes to do the same thing at the bottom of the aquarium, because this is why many combine this fish with other types of ornamental fish, so that it can help keep the aquarium clean.

How to Take Care of Corydoras Fish

To care for ornamental fish corydoras is actually very easy because these fish do not require special care and even just food they usually eat leftovers from other fish.

For the aquarium, you should add sand or small pebbles and even better add water plants, this will make your aquarium ecosystem like the natural habitat of corydoras in the wild.

Of course, if you create an ecosystem like in its original habitat, the corydoras fish are able to make these fish comfortable and can live longer.

Giving lush plants can also be an option, because apart from being a place to hunt for food, there can also be a place for corydoras fish to live.

Friends For Corydoras Fish

These fish are very friendly to other fish, because of their calm nature and not aggressive, and do not like to disturb the lives of other ornamental fish.

Some recommendations for ornamental fish that you can combine are types: betta fish, platy fish, guppies, molly fish, and other small ornamental fish.

Corydoras Fish Food

As mentioned above, this fish will eat anything that can be eaten at the bottom of the aquarium, such as leftover food from other fish, fish flakes and others.

In their daily life they will hunt for food by circling all sides of the aquarium without exception, if your aquarium uses sand, these fish will rub it to look for the possibility of eating there.

But actually this fish can also be given ornamental fish pellets, like other fish. Because sometimes these fish also swim to the top of the aquarium, but don’t give too much food.

Corydoras Fish Age

These fish have a fairly long life, namely they can survive up to about 5 years, even longer.

But this of course must be accompanied by good fish care and an ecosystem that must always be maintained.

Because these fish can also be stressed if they feel the environment they live in is not suitable and can lead to death.

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