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Corydoras Adolfoi | Corydoras Adolfoi

30 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Adolfo’s Cory ( Corydoras a dolfoi )

This fish has a maximum size of 6 cm. It is bluish-white in color with vertical black “bands” in the eye area.

These fish spawn during the rainy season. The sperm of the male fish will be sucked by the female fish by placing the female fish’s mouth into the male fish’s genital opening (known as the T position). This sperm will be released through the intestine along with the release of the egg into the “pouch” formed by the two pelvic fins. Effective fertilization occurs here.

Then, the eggs will be attached to a substrate or object (leaves, flat stones, etc.) that has been previously cleaned by the male parent. The eggs left behind will hatch in the substrate if the water conditions are suitable and good enough. The spawn time is at 05-00 – 07-00.

Place the eggs on the aquarium walls, stems, and leaf surfaces. Eggs that come out as much as 2-5 grains. However, these fish eggs are then abandoned and not cared for by the mother.

Corydoras of the same or the same color will swim in groups. This fish is calm, not aggressive, so it is safe when combined with other fish in the aquarium.

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