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Comet Long Tail | Carassius auratus

18 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Comet fish is one of the most popular types of ornamental fish in Indonesia. This fish, which has the scientific name Carrasius auratus, is a type of freshwater fish. Comet fish have a similar pattern and color to goldfish.

Comet fish are still close relatives of goldfish and even one family (family) of goldfish.

They are the same size as other small goldfish. This fish is even classified in the type of goldfish because of physical similarities.

Usually comet fish are kept in aquariums. Its natural habitat is freshwater waters, such as rivers, lakes and natural ponds.

Comet Fish Facts

Did you know that comet fish is a type of goldfish? They are called comet fish because they have a tail that resembles the tail of a comet when it falls. The attraction that exists in this type of fish is of course its beautiful tail.

Just like goldfish, comet fish is also a type of goldfish. As an ornamental fish, goldfish varieties are in great demand. That’s because goldfish that live in fresh water have very adaptive properties to the new living environment.

The adaptive nature of carp is what makes all kinds of goldfish varieties able to live in freshwater waters all over the world, including Indonesia. That is why many fish farmers cultivate various kinds of gold fish in Indonesia.

In the wild, their main habitat is on the banks of rivers, lakes, or other freshwater with not too deep water depths and calm water flows. The ideal water temperature for goldfish to live is in the range of 25 – 30˚C.

When living in open waters they usually eat anything because they are omnivorous fish. Both those from plants and remik animals they still eat.

Origin and Spread in Indonesia

Although the small comet fish is a type of goldfish that was developed in America, in fact the goldfish variety originally came from China and Russia. In China, the place where goldfish originated has long been cultivated for maintenance.

During the reign of the Sun Dynasty in 1234 AD at that time Chow Mit had kept goldfish in cages or bamboo baskets. Then in the Middle Ages began the spread of goldfish species to various parts of the world.

From there, various varieties of goldfish are bred, including comet fish. It was around 1810 that the first goldfish entered the territory of Indonesia. The development of goldfish including comet fish continues to show progress.

Even the cultivation of comet fish as ornamental fish commercially can bring good profits. It is not surprising that more and more people are cultivating this type of fish for commercial purposes or for trading.

The important thing that must be mastered by fish farmers in order to be successful in carrying out their cultivation business is adequate knowledge about the ins and outs of fish and their cultivation techniques.

Comet Fish Cultivation

Another advantage that comet fish and other goldfish have is that their spawning period is not affected by the seasons. Whether it’s the dry or rainy season can be their spawning time or in other words throughout the year.

Usually they spawn at midnight to late dawn. When they will start to separate or near mating period the females will become more aggressive.

When they want to spawn the mother fish will find or choose a place to put their eggs. It can be lush grass or other objects that cover the surface of the water.

If you want to start cultivating comet fish, farmers must understand the spawning cycle. Observation of their spawning time directly can be a guide for further breeding.

When you understand when the female will spawn, what you have to do is manipulate the environment in which she lives. Starting from draining the pool to filling new water.

In addition, breeders must also prepare materials as a place for parents to lay their eggs. Use kakaban made of palm fiber arranged horizontally by pinching two bamboo blades in the middle.

Then the kakaban is placed in a pond that is considered safe as a place to put eggs. Those are a few tips about the cultivation of comet fish and can also be applied to other goldfish.Usually live in water with a depth of up to 20 meters with a pH of 6-8.

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