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Cichlid Uaru | Uaru amphiachanthoides

25 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

The uaru is a fish from the  cichlidae family, lives in the Amazon River, Brazil, and entered Indonesia in the 1980s. His skin is yellow-brown with black strokes starting from the base of the tail to the back of the gills, his eyes are decorated with red and yellow lines that circle his black pupils. It is the combination of colors that makes this fish body length up to 25 cm. Makes it look elegant.

Keeping uaru fish is relatively easy. In addition to the aquarium, water filters, and aerators are also needed clean water and regular feeding. A pair of uaru fish with a size of 25 cm that is kept in an aquarium requires 300 liters of water with a pH of 7, of course the aquarium water must be clean.

Another important thing to note is the temperature of the water. These fish need high temperatures to survive, which is 24–26⁰ Celsius for adults and 28⁰ Celsius for 1 inch ones. So your aquarium should be equipped with a  heater  or heater.

In their habitat, this fish has a preference for eating plants and larvae or worms. However, if it has been put in the aquarium, the feed can be adjusted slowly. This fish can be given food in the form of canned shrimp and silk worms ( tubifex ). The uaru fish, which is still 2 inches long, is given food in the form of silk worms. Food is given in the morning and late afternoon.

Diseases that easily attack uaru fish are velvet. Characteristics on the fins are red spots. The first step that must be done is to separate the healthy from the sick so as not to infect. After separating, the water for sick uaru fish must be mixed with velvet disease-killing medicine in the form of pomade and blitzich, and table salt is also needed. An aquarium with a water capacity of 300 liters requires 1 teaspoon of pomade, 50 grams of table salt, and 3 drops of blitzich . Drain every two days, repeat until the red spots disappear.

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