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Cichlid ram – Golden Ballon | Papilochromis ramirezi

25 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Ramirezi fish is a type of imported freshwater ornamental fish that belongs to the Cichlid fish family, with the Latin name Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi . The original habitat of the Ramirezi fish comes from the calm waters of the Orinoco River in South America.

In general, the types of ramirezi fish are grouped into 4 types, including; Bolivian ramirezi, Electric blue ramirezi, German blue ramirezi, and golden ramirezi. For Bolivian ramirezi itself is a separate species originating from the Amazon River in Brazil and Bolivia. While the other types come from the Orinoco River in South America.

However, in this article I group the types of ramirezi based on their shape and color, which are indeed popular in the ornamental fish market in Indonesia

Fish Name                                           : Ramirezi Golden Balloon

Family                                                   : cichlidae

Clan                                                       : Microgeophagus

Water Temperature                       : Warm (25.5-29.5 °C, 78-85°F), acidic (pH 5.2-6.7)

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