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Cichlid Ram – Blue | Papilochromis ramirezi

25 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Blue ram fish / ramirezi fish are a type of cichlid fish with small sizes with various colors on their scales which are suitable for calm community aquariums. These fish are perfect for you to care for & are eager to add a bit of flashy but charming color to your aquarium.

We can say they are not classified as freshwater ornamental fish  which are very easy to care for because they need water conditions that we must really pay attention to, but they are very beautiful and will make you fall in love not long.

Fish that fall into the cichlid or cycloid category are very often classified as fierce fish, but the Blue Ram fish is not a fierce fish. It’s time for us to learn more about how to properly care for blue ram fish, from the problem of choosing good water quality and also the habit of eating the food.

Blue Ram Fish Care in Aquarium

Ramirezi fish are very good placed in the right aquarium. For example, in an aquarium, this fish is not recommended to combine with the type of fish with a fiercer temperament / type of swimmer who is more agile & energetic which will be very agile to brush almost any feed you provide. That’s why, there are several things that must be prepared:

  1. When you decide to take care of a male ramirezi, it’s best not to combine it with other fierce / agile varieties. Because the male blue ram is more concerned with a sense of comfort & peace in the aquarium. However, if he is kept together with the slow & calm swimming variety, the male blue ram will feel happier and more at ease when it is time to eat.
  2. If the blue ram that you maintain shows signs of a fierce character, you can try to make an area for protection, or the corners of the aquarium that they can use as a hiding area. Because if there is no area for the blue to hide, the more ‘fierce’ their character will be. You can also understand how to Cultivate Betta Fish.
  3. It is highly recommended to make aquariums with additional screens, which can really help this fish to feel more peaceful & serene. In addition, during the spawning phase the nature of the blue is getting more aggressive. Because it will make them feel more worried during that period. The real reason is that they really want to make sure that their offspring remain peaceful and safe.

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