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Cichlid Oscar Tiger | Astronotus ocellatus

27 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Oscar fish is one type of ornamental fish that is increasingly in demand by many people as one of the interesting decorations in the home aquarium.

Although rarely heard, this fish has the characteristics of being smart and cunning in the aquarium so that it has a good emotional bond for residents of the house.

Please note, this fish is one type of freshwater fish that lives in the Amazon river environment, Brazil.

Although this fish is classified as one of the predators, this fish is not as aggressive or as vicious as the piranha, so people don’t need to be afraid to keep an Oscar.

With characteristics and strong emotions as predatory fish, many people study this type of fish as one of the interesting inspirations at home.

  1. Tiger Oscar

Tiger Oscar is one of the most popular variations of fish with a texture resembling a tiger.

The pattern of the fish has a pattern that is near the tail, and covers all parts of its body.

Meanwhile, the tiger character has an orange and black texture on the fish’s body line with a collage-like shape.

Generally, tiger oscar has a size between 30 to 40 cm.

How to Care for Oscar Fish

  1. Setting Up and Defining the Aquarium

This type of Oscar fish is a large animal, because the adult size only reaches 25 cm – 30 cm. In addition, this ornamental fish includes those who like to eat, so it will cause a lot of dirt if you put it in a small aquarium.

To keep it moving freely and the water quality remains clear, choose a minimum aquarium with a length of 1 meter.

It’s even better if you choose a larger size, so it will be more comfortable to look at and see your pet fish.

Especially if you maintain more than one, it will look beautiful. Because Oscar fish is a type that likes to live in groups which makes you feel at home to look at it for a long time.

Make sure when you determine the aquarium to put it on a flat place and don’t choose a one-sided place, because it will affect the pressure.

For your accessories needs, you can add an aerator as a maker of water and sand bubbles at the bottom and don’t forget the plant roots.

  1. Releasing the Fish Into the Aquarium

This stage is very important to really pay attention to, if it is not done properly, of course it will affect the health of the fish and experience stress.

Before releasing the fish into the aquarium it is better to measure the temperature of the water first, make sure it is in a normal temperature condition so that you don’t experience problems.

To release it yourself, don’t immediately put the fish into the aquarium, it’s better to put the fish and its plastic bag into the aquarium.

Give a pause of about 1 hour so that the temperature between the bag and the aquarium is the same first, then just separate the fish and the plastic.

This situation is to make the fish recognize their new environment and not feel surprised by the atmosphere. This must be considered, because if you let go immediately it will have an impact on the health aspect.

So if you don’t look at it thoroughly, the Oscar fish you choose will die in vain.

  1. Check Water Condition

Actually, this fish will grow beautifully and beautifully when its condition is fit, but if it is wrong to determine the water content it will affect its health.

If the condition of the water is too dirty and the situation is not fine, usually there are several diseases that lurk the fish.

Usually a hole in the head and body disease. This is due to the water parameters that determine the health of the fish.

If you do not control it properly, then some of these diseases will appear and get out of control. That’s why you really have to be able to see and take care of the condition of the water on a regular basis.

Don’t miss it and don’t pay attention to the quality of the water, so this situation must be considered.

Smart friend, those are some ways to care for Oscar fish that you must know and understand thoroughly. Make sure you pay attention so that the Oscar fish you care for can grow healthy and beautiful.

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