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Blue Lobster – Cobalt Blue | Cherax quadricarinatus

14 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Freshwater lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus) is one of the freshwater prawns whose production or stock availability in nature is decreasing due to increased fishing rates, so it needs to be preserved. The purpose of this study was to determine several aspects of biology and strategies for managing freshwater lobster resources in the waters of Rawa Pening, Semarang Regency. This research was conducted in November 2014. The method in this study is a descriptive method. Sampling used the census sampling method.

Primary data includes the length and weight of lobster, gonad maturity level, and fecundity to determine the biological aspects of freshwater crayfish. The results showed that the total sample length was 20 fish with a length range of 65 mm – 180 mm and mode 113 mm – 128 mm as many as 19 fish and a weight of 10 grams – 90.3 grams, the size of the first lobster caught (L 50%) was 94 .2 mm and the size of the first gonadal mature lobster (Lm 50%) was 93.7 mm. Lm value 50% < Lc 50% and Lc 50% <1/2 L∞.

The nature of the growth is negative allometric with a Kn value of 1.125. The number of female TKG samples was 10, dominated by TKG II and TKG IV. The lowest gonadal maturity index value in female lobster was 0.91% and the highest IKG value was 4.21%. The management of freshwater crayfish in the waters of Rawa Pening, Semarang Regency is carried out in a way that if there are lobsters that are not suitable for catching, they are trapped, then they should be released back into the waters. Freshwater Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) is one of the freshwater crayfish which needs to be preserved because of increasing capture efforts.

The objective of the study was to observe the biological aspects and strategies to manage freshwater crayfish resources in Rawa Pening waters Semarang Regency. The study was conducted in November 2014 using descriptive methods.

The samples were obtained using the census sampling method. Primary data includes length and weight of the fish, gonad maturity level, and fecundity to identify the freshwater crayfish biological aspects.

The study has shown that the total sample length and weight of the freshwater crayfish ranges from 65 mm to 180 mm and weight 10g-90.3g, and the size of the first captured fish (L50%) was 94.2 mm. The growth observed was negative allometric showing the value of Kn 1.125. The gonad maturity level for female freshwater crayfish was dominated by TKG II and TKG IV. The lowest gonad maturity index for female freshwater crayfish was 0.91% and the highest was 4.21.

The first mature gonad for female freshwater fish was obtained was 93.7 mm. The fecundity ranged from 104 to 134 items. The effort to manage freshwater crayfish in Rawa Pening waters Semarang Regency was done by if there are lobsters that are caught are not worth catching, then its good to be released back into the waters.

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