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Blue Leopard Pinoy | Pterophyllum scalare

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Manfish is a freshwater ornamental fish that is quite popular because of its beauty. Fish Manfish or known by another name Angelfish . The manfish Pterophyllum sp. belonging to the family Cichlidae originates from the Amazon Basin, Orinoco Basin and various rivers in the Guiana Shield in tropical South America. They have a very slender body with very long upper and lower fins. This body shape allows them to hide among plant roots.


The vertical line on the body of the manfish is very helpful as a disguise, because this fish is an ambush predatory fish, which is a predatory fish that likes to suddenly ambush its prey, namely fish and small insects. Uniquely, this fish is monogamous, which means that it only has one partner. This fish breeds by laying eggs that are placed on submerged wood / roots or flat leaves.

Even though the Manfish looks peaceful, this manfish will be more aggressive towards other males, especially after 8-12 months of age. They will bite each other’s mouth (jaw-locking). Although in manfish the bite is not as deadly as other large cichlid fish.

Leopard Manfish

When they are young, Leopard Manfish have spots on most of their bodies. Most of these spots get closer together as the fish mature.

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