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Betta Half Moon Rosetail | Betta splendends

08 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Halfmoon King Rosetail Betta Fish – Betta fish are a popular aquarium fish known for their striking coloration, colorful scales, and long fins that flutter around them like a dress. Bettas are known to be territorial fish and fight when the two are placed together or when they see their shadows.

Betta fish has the scientific name betta splendens, so it is also known as betta fish. According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), betta fish are native to Southeast Asia, where they live in the shallow waters of swamps, ponds, or slow-moving rivers.

Male bettas that have cubs will build bubble nests for their young with their mouths and attempt to protect their babies from predators. Just like humans, betta fish are diurnal. That is, they are active during the day and sleep at night. They need darkness to get a good night’s rest.

One of the betta fish that is currently the prima donna is the Halfmoon King Rosetail Betta, an ornamental fish with wide fins and tail that makes this fish very beautiful. This betta is very good as an ornamental fish, with long fins and graceful movements when developing fins. At first glance, this hickey looks like wearing a long colored dress in the water.


Halfmoon Betta Fish

Halfmoon breeds have a large round tail that spreads up to 180 degrees. The tip of the tail is rounded, so the silhouette of the tail looks like a semicircle, which earned it the nickname “Halfmoon”. The dorsal fin is quite large and tends to have a rounded shape, not dipping like the Veiltail. The anal fin forms a large curtain under the belly of the fish. The three fins overlap each other, making the fish look like a blooming flower.

Rosetail Betta Type

The Rosetail Betta evolved from the Halfmoon Betta. The difference is the broad branching of the tail itself. The branching creates a ruffled appearance similar to the folded petals of a rose hence the name “rosetail”. Despite their stunning appearance, the Rosetail requires careful monitoring. This type of betta is prone to tail biting behavior. They will attack and start chewing their tails. No one knows what causes it yet, but biting the tail can lead to infection and possible tail loss in a betta.

So actually the rosetail betta is a halfmoon betta but has mutated. When a halfmoon has two, four, or eight tailbones. Thus, a rosetail betta can have up to sixteen tailbones. The owner of this hickey must really take care of this hickey. Bettas may be unable to swim due to the weight of their fins, and the owner must take care not to tear the betta’s fins.

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