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Betta Half Moon Fancy | Betta splendends

08 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Halfmoon betta fish are known as a type of betta that is authoritative and looks calm when swimming in water. His name was given because his tail is as wide as a half moon, another name is the big ear betta.

Its beauty is not only in its body and tail, but all of them look beautiful, and graceful when seen in an aquarium.

The first time it appeared, the halfmoon hickey had been underestimated, he had participated in a world scale betta beauty contest called IBC (International Beta Congress), he was not recognized even though he had a lot of uniqueness, the judges at that time did not have a standard rating for this type.

However, since participating in the event, halfmoon hickeys have become famous and spread in several parts of Europe.

Finally the breeders create their own organization which contains a special beauty contest for halfmoon betta. And now halfmoon hickeys have been developed all over the world including Southeast Asia such as Thailand and Indonesia.

In Indonesia itself, it first appeared in 2000, imported from America. Until now, its development is so fast and much in demand by Indonesian breeders.

Local breeders began to cross-breed them to get higher resale value. Currently the halfmoon betta is quite fantastic in price because of its specialty and beauty.

Halfmoon fancy: the color is gradient and bright, which is a combination of red, blue, white, there is also a bright blue and purplish red

Body Shape

The hallmark of the halfmoon betta’s body shape is its semi-circular tail like a half moon, forming exactly 180 degrees when aggressive or showing off. The fins on its back are also large and coiled. The lower fin is like a curtain running down the lower abdomen.

The best way to know the rotation of the tail is to make it expand, it will spread the entire tail and you can look to determine the degree. However, if it is more than 180 degrees, then it is not a halfmoon type, but an OHM (over halfmoon) type, which is one whose tail is wider than a halfmoon betta.


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