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Betta Fighting Red (SINGLE PACK) | Betta splendends

09 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Betta fish is one of the prima donna for ornamental fish lovers. The colorful fish scales are the main attraction. Plus, the way of livestock and betta fish cultivation for beginners is also called not so difficult.

With just a small aquarium, a basin, and even a glass, you can raise fish that are commonly found in the freshwater waters of this Southeast Asian region.

Most betta fish fans know the names of these fish with beautiful names. Among other things moon piece, draw, fight, fork, and much more. Usually, the name of the betta fish is determined based on the shape or characteristics of the body.

For example, a piece moon betta fish or popularly called a half moon has fins that form a semicircle, while the serit has pointed fins that resemble a comb.

Betta fish are usually six to eight centimeters in size and can live on average for two years.

How to distinguish male and female betta fish is also quite easy. Male betta fish have fins that tend to be long, while female betta fish have a shorter tail than male fish.

Betta fish are divided into two types based on the eyes of the lovers, namely ornamental betta fish and complaining betta fish. Here are the characteristics of both:

Ornamental betta fish

  • Long dangling fins and tail
  • Body color is light, not dull. Has an attractive and attractive color variant
  • The movement is calm. When you see another betta fish or are making out with a female, the tail will expand perfectly and show a distinctive shape
  • Ornamental betta fish are often contested in terms of color beauty. The types of betta fish are serit (crown tail), half moon (halfmoon), action (placard), fork (double tail) and recently the giant type.


Betta fish complaint

  • The width and height of the fish from the neck to the tail appear to have the same thickness and size, but at the end of the tail they usually have a smaller shape
  • Aggressive movement
  • When you see another betta fish, its fins are fully expanded
  • Lips look thick and firm. Usually the betta fish’s mouth is tightly closed, not gaping. If you look at the lower lip there are spots and that characterizes his sharp teeth

Betta fighting usually comes from the species Betta Splendens, Betta Imbellis, Betta Mahachai and their cross variations. Hickey fighting competitions are often held in Southeast Asia, even though it is actually illegal.

That’s why actually fighting betta fish should not be done, because at an international animal conference held by animal lovers it was stated that animals also have the right to live.

If the fighting hickey itself is considered not a problem, but if recorded, it could take the animal’s human right to live.

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