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Betta Dragon | Betta splendends

09 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

According to Pichet (Interfish breeder team – Thailand), the first one was created using SUPER red (SUPER RED) plaques, red cooper plaques and Betta sp. Mahachai.

With some difficulty, the wild Betta Mahachai from the wild was cross-bred with the red cooper plaque with the intention of preserving Betta sp. Mahachai with traits in his descendants. Then the young male of this seed is crossed again with a super red female plaque. The third step is a mother with a cub in backcross: a super red female has crossed over to one of her cubs in a method commonly referred to as ‘bloodline’.

Even though the body shape and finnage were not very good and some of them even showed some malformations in the body, but the color was obtained and the first pair of dragon hickeys was born! The first Dragon developed by Mr Tea.


“Red dragon V1” was first presented to the Thai public in the December 2004 issue of a magazine called “Fancy Fish” by a team of Interfish breeders.

At that time Mr. Somchat still feels unsatisfied, the color on his body is not completely covered (full mask). So they developed it again to the V2 version in 2005.


This V2 version was finally introduced at Aquarama by the Interfish breeder team. They did not bring any prizes, because the fish from crossbreeding did not win a single trophy. But in the end, many were impressed with the dragon’s hickey.

Several times the experiment encountered trial and error in crossbreeding the two different types of fish. The most difficult is the F1 descent of the betta mahachai X Betta Imbellis.

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