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Betta Crowntail Fighting Combat | Betta splendends

08 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

The crown tail was first introduced in 1997 in Slipi, West Jakarta. This type of betta fish is the easiest to recognize because its tail is very different from other betta fish, namely the tip of the tail is shaped like a crown.

The presence of a crown tail hickey is thought to be the result of a cross between a hickey that has been crossed previously and another hickey.

The Crown Tail Betta has a full 180 degree fin spread. The term crown tail is usually shortened to CT by hickey fans.

In addition to the Halfmoon Betta, this Crown Tail Betta also has characteristics that match its name. Named the Crown Tail or ‘crown tail’ because of the tail that will form like a crown when turned over. This one fish is also classified as an expensive type of betta fish because it is quite rare in the market.

How to Keep Betta Fish

Betta fish need a partner in the right aquarium, that is, from a non-aggressive fish. Make sure you know the gender of your betta before adding it to the aquarium. Two male betta fish in the same tank will fight each other.

Bettas are bred to have large and heavy fins, do not require much space and high water flow can limit their growth and fin development.

Place your betta in a larger tank with a filter and ensure that the water intake and flow is smooth. Water changes should be done every week. Always keep the temperature in the range of 78-80 degrees F.

Those are 9 types of betta fish that you can choose before having them and how to maintain good betta fish. May be useful.

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