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Betta Crowntail Fancy | Betta splendends

08 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Fancy Betta Fish, known as betta fish that are perfect in their beauty, like a painting, colorful, shining like a rainbow. Known as a type of betta fish that is expensive, equivalent to the satisfaction of seeing it.

Listen to the end and get to know him more deeply, it will be very difficult not to fall in love with him. Especially for betta fish lovers, you definitely don’t want to miss having it as a collection at home.

Fancy betta fish is basically a fighting betta fish, but because of its beauty, it is now used as an ornamental fish because it is impossible to intentionally damage the beauty of its body and fins by complaining.

This type of fish has fins that are short and wide like a plaque, but in terms of color, it is much more diverse, very different from the plaque betta fish, which is the same color.

A fancy betta color is a combination, look at it, you will be able to enjoy the bright colors of blue, red, pink, purple, white, and many more.

In essence, the skin is like a painting, being unique and not owned by other types. In the market, prices are sold differently according to age, beauty, grade, size, color, and agility.

Originally from Thailand, the result of years of cross-breeding trials by professional breeders.

The base comes from the plaque type, but has a very attractive color. This type of betta fish can be found in Thailand, Japan, America, England, and also Indonesia.


Initially, the fancy betta came from the placard betta, but it was crossed with another betta with a more diverse color, continued for generations, and is now the type of fish with the most colors on its body.

Fancy betta can be bred with other types of betta or any color, the higher the quality of the color gene of the parent, the better the pattern and color description will be.

Fancy betta in reproduction is not guaranteed to be the dominant color in their offspring, because their genes are able to combine with genes of other colors, so that the more colorful the male and female broods are, the more beautiful and colorful the offspring will be.

Betta Fancy Food

For this type of Fancy Betta, the food needs to be considered, because it will affect the beauty of the skin.

If you find it difficult to get natural food such as worms or mosquito larvae, it’s okay to give it pellets but it is mandatory to have quality.

You can add pumpkin and carrots that are grated first and made like flour, then add to the pellets.

Both additions contain high carotenoids which can increase the brightness of the color in this type of Betta Fish.

The addition of pumpkin and carrots in addition to the brightness of the color on the skin is also useful for increasing the content of carbohydrates, vitamin A, and vitamin B. Just give it 2 times a day with an adequate dose.

Pumpkin and carrots have been widely used and have been shown to add brightness to the Betta’s color especially on the head, tail and back.

This has also been proven by research by Prof. Johannes Hutabarat (Professor of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Undip), you can find out more on the internet about his research.


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