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Betta Big Ear Half Moon Plakat | Betta splendends

08 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

The name halfmoon is given because this fish has a tail fin shape resembling a half moon. Another name for this ornamental fish is the big ear betta. The colors in the halfmoon betta fish also vary, ranging from deep blue, red, purple to the rarest, which is yellow.

Halfmoon betta is the result of crossbreeding by breeder alias breeder from the United States, Peter Geottner in the 1980s. Initially, Goettner was successful in producing a betta that has a wide tail opening close to 180 degrees and is green.

The beauty of the halfmoon betta is not only seen in the tail and fins, but also in almost the entire body of the fish. In addition, the movement of the halfmoon betta fish also looks graceful when he moves.


In addition to developing in the United States, halfmoon betta fish have also been developed in France and continue to grow to various countries.

Because it became popular among ornamental lovers, halfmoon betta fish eventually participated in an international contest, namely the International Beta Congress (IBC).

But in the contest, IBC still didn’t want to admit the presence of the halfmoon betta fish even though this betta fish has many features. The assessment of the IBC judges at that time was very different from the assessment of the audience present regarding this betta fish.

Since being entered in the IBC contest in Alabama, the halfmoon betta has become famous. This is evidenced by the increasing spread of halfmoon betta fish in other European regions, such as Switzerland.

Unfortunately, at that time the halfmoon betta fish was still underestimated in the IBC contest, thus inviting disappointment and strife In the end, breeders from the United States, Switzerland, and France began to form a new organization.


The organization was called the International Betta Splendens Club with the aim of accommodating halfmoon betta fish contests from various parts of the world. From this organization, the halfmoon betta fish is known in all parts of the continent including Southeast Asia, especially Thailand to Indonesia.

In Indonesia itself, the first known halfmoon betta was in 2000. At that time the halfmoon betta was imported from Europe and America.

Until now, the development of half moon is very fast and much in demand. This is because its tail is wide and its movements are graceful. Indonesian breeders began to develop it a lot because the selling value was better.

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