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Barb Tiger Albino | Capoeta tetrazona

08 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Eagle fish or tiger fish or tiger barb fish are native fish of the archipelago. This fish can be found on the island of Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, Thailand, and also the island of Sumatra. In addition, this fish is also cultivated in Singapore, Australia, the United States, and Colombia. In their natural habitat, these fish inhabit calm rivers with shaded treelines, and creeks lined with sand, rocks, and dense vegetation. Tiger fish eat insects, algae and invertebrates.

This fish also likes clear water with high oxygen levels. The eagle fish has an orange color with black stripes on its body. That is why this fish is also called tiger fish or tiger barb fish , which means tiger fish or tiger striped fish. Not only orange, there are also eagle fish with red fins. In recent years, selective breeding has created several color variations that include green, black, red, and albino. Eagle fish reproduce by laying eggs. When adults, their bodies can reach a length of 7-15 cm and can survive until the age of six years. Females have wider and more rounded bellies and are larger and heavier than their males. Meanwhile, male fish are identified by their bright coloration and red nose which they develop during the spawning proces.


As an ornamental fish, eagle fish can certainly be kept in an aquarium. However, there are several things to consider when keeping this fish. First, regarding the aquarium habitat where the eagle fish will live. This fish can live in various water conditions. However, they prefer water that is clean, soft and has a low acidity or pH level.

The ideal tank for eaglefish is one with a large open area for swimming, equipped with plenty of live or artificial plants around the edges of the tank. Temperature is not too much of an issue, even eagle fish can be kept in unheated tanks. Provide good lighting and a good tank bottom arrangement by adding growing media for plants. Second, related to the problem of feed. Eagle fish accept almost any diet, but they must be provided with a variety of foods to maintain a healthy immune system.

The feed used can be processed feed or fresh feed such as brine shrimp, blood worms, and beef liver. These fish will quickly devour small aquatic invertebrates and even cooked vegetables. Third, other fish in the aquarium. Eagle fish have an aggressive nature towards other fish, therefore, if you plan to keep this fish with other fish. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of fish that will accompany the eagle fish in the aquarium. When alone or in groups of two to three fish, eaglefish will terrorize almost any fish living in the same tank.

However, if they stayed in groups of half a dozen or so, they would usually continue to fight with their own kind. Therefore, it is never advisable to keep eaglefish in the same tank as tame, slow-moving, or long-finned fish such as angelfish or betta fish

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